
The Air Conditioning and power at UW have been fixed, and everything
turned back on.   I've pointed DNS back at trac.sagemath.org and
wiki.sagemath.org so you should see them shortly.

I'm setting up very frequent periodic automatic backups right now to
/orig on the GCE machines.  I eagerly await somebody to volunteer to
migrate trac and wiki there.   Perhaps Volker can start when he gets
back from travel.  Volker -- whose opinion on our dev infrastructure I
value the highest of all right now, as he is the release manager --
has said two things:

   -- tier one cloud hosting provider
   -- Docker containers

so I'll do whatever I can to support that.

 -- William

On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 11:09 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday a machine at UW (the one hosting *.sagenb.org) was attacking
> other computers, so the UW shut it down.
> Today trac, the wiki, and many other machines crashed.
> I'm traveling, so can't look into the hardware anytime soon.  Morever,
> the situation is that there is nobody else who will either.  I ran out
> of money, and had to focus on other things, so what's left of the UW
> sage-related compute infrastructure is basically dead now.
> I've created two VM's on Google compute engine (running the same OS --
> Ubuntu 12.04 -- as trac and wiki) and pointed
>    http://trac.sagemath.org/    and    http://wiki.sagemath.org/
> at them with a message that both sites are down.
> Thierry said he has a recent backup of the wiki data on the VM hosting
> wiki.sagemath.org, but will wait a day or two before providing it.
> I have a backup of trac.sagemath.org from May 26, which might be
> valid.  However, I think the only person who understands the trac
> setup is Andrew Ohana, and he hasn't been involved in a very long
> time...
> The options I can think of right now:
> 1. Wait an indefinite amount of time to see if somehow magically the
> machines come back.
> 2. Move all Sage development to github:   https://github.com/sagemath/sage
>   I just re-enabled the github issues page, etc.
> There is also a wiki here https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki
> At some point migrate the data on wiki.sagemath.org to github (maybe
> remove all images if that is a problem).
> Eventually, bring trac.sagemath.org back in read only mode and copy
> over all open tickets to github issues,
> via some python script that goes through the trac database and creates
> github tickets.
> 3. Configure trac.sagemath.org and wiki.sagemath.org so they work
> again using the most recent backups.
> I am personally *not* going to do anything further except give people
> ssh access to the above machines and/or point DNS somewhere.
> Ultimately, Volker is the release manager and whatever he wants to do
> to continue making releases will hopefully happen...
>  -- William

William (http://wstein.org)

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