Hi Stan,

It seems that trait_names() was originally added as part of a mechanism
for giving tab-completion to certain objects in IPython and the
Notebook, and this mechanism changed. Hence what used to be
trait_names() is now called _tab_completion() -- at least
units.energy._tab_completion() does exactly what
units.energy.trait_names() used to do, after #20410. You should be able
to change your existing code to use that instead.

But since trait_names() was a public API method, there should have
definitely been added a deprecation warning in #20410 instead of just
simply removing trait_names. Also, it seems the function is useful from
some user-perspectives, such as your own, so perhaps there should be a
publicly accessible version of _tab_completion() as well?


Stan writes:

> Dear all,
> After upgrading to 7.2, I found out that things such as 
> units.energy.trait_names() do not work any more. I used this extensively to 
> loop through the different unit names and create variable names out of 
> them. Why was this removed, and is there another way of doing this? I want 
> to be able to write e.g. 'joule' instead of 'units.energy.joule'. I found a 
> couple of tickets that may have led to the removal of trait_names for units 
> (see below), but I don't understand why, and how I can make my old 
> worksheets compatible with sage 7.2!
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20410
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19951
> Thanks already for your help. 
> Cheers
> Stan


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