On Aug 25, 2016 10:18, "William Stein" <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Luca De Feo <de...@lix.polytechnique.fr>
>> > I deleted it as flame bait.   I'm sick of people using sage-devel as a
>> > forum to attack others
>> I'm sick of it too. But this kind of unilateral actions only fuels the
flame, it does not extinguish it.
>> Especially given your position as a CEO of a for profit company,
William. Even though you do not have the power to do the same with Sage as
what just happened with MariaDB, the community is entitled with a
legitimate (unfounded, I believe) fear of SageMath Inc. trying to do
something similar at some point. This kind of unilateral censorship,
although well intentioned, can only spark more of those flames.
> If people really want flame bait on this list, then I am going to stop
reading sage-devel.

I'm inclined to agree. I think that characterizations like "unilateral" and
"censorship" are needlessly pejorative in this case. Sometimes swift and
unforgiving action against ill-willed and toxic trolling is justified.
*Especially* given a lack of better moderation standards. That said, while
I think the lack of community standards justifies it, that lack still isn't

>> Any long lived community on the net has moderators, be they elected or
co-opted. No one moderator takes this kind of decisions alone. Can we try,
once again, to start a process to become a well behaved community? There is
no shortage of very good examples of well behaved, long lived, FOSS
communities. Think Debian, think Software carpentry, ...

Here I agree with Luca. I think this is desperately needed this community.
I've been wanting very much to bring it up for a while but as I know from
personal experience it takes a lot of work and I'm already spread too thin.
Also being rather new to this community I don't feel comfortable taking the
lead on such a discussion. But I think it does need to happen. (Just not
starting in this thread of course).


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