leif wrote:
> leif wrote:
>> Simon Brandhorst wrote:
>>> Thank you leif. Sorry for taking so long to answer. I did not bring my
>>> laptop to work - so I could not get the log until now.
>> Never mind.  Please post / attach
>> /home/simon/sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/singular-3.1.7p1.p2/src/latest/config.log
> Ok, that doesn't tell much, but at least a bit...
> Compilation seems to work, but running the conftest supposed to print
> sizeof(long) presumably fails, I guess due to a runtime linker error.
> (You seem to have libomalloc installed system-wide; unfortunately stderr
> is redirected to /dev/null.)
> Looking closer at Singular's top-level 'configure', it's quite
> surprising that test (and others) didn't fail before, AFAIK.
>>> A workaround would be great. Then I can get started.
>> I can't tell before I've seen the log above, but I guess it won't be
>> hard to at least get you past /that/ error... ;-)
> I made a patch that may enlighten us regarding the error, and should
> bring you past the error with sizeof(long)!=sizeof(void*) at least.
> Copy the attached patch into build/pkgs/singular/patches/, then do
> ../sage -i -s singular

P.S.:  If you want to go triple-safe, delete the old build directory (or
at least config.cache there) before running './sage -i ...':

rm -rf /home/simon/sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/singular-3.1.7p1.p2


> Even if that succeeded, please first again make a copy of the newly
> generated config.log from the temporary Singular build directory as
> before (and post it) before proceeding.
> In case installing the Singular package now worked, you can continue
> building Sage by simply typing 'make' again (or 'make -jN` with N being
> the number of threads/jobs, but you'll presumably know).
> Good luck!
> -leif

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