leif wrote:
> Simon Brandhorst wrote:
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2] Building interpreters for fast_callable
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2] python -u setup.py install
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]
>> ************************************************************************
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2] Traceback (most recent call last):
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File "setup.py", line 47, in <module>
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     from module_list import ext_modules,
>> library_order, aliases
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File
>> "/home/agag/sbrandhorst/sage/sage/src/module_list.py", line 150, in <module>
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     from sage_setup.optional_extension import
>> OptionalExtension
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File
>> "/home/agag/sbrandhorst/sage/sage/src/sage_setup/optional_extension.py",
>> line 24, in <module>
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     all_packages = list_packages(local=True)
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File
>> "/home/agag/sbrandhorst/sage/sage/src/sage/misc/package.py", line 211,
>> in list_packages
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     installed = installed_packages()
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File
>> "/home/agag/sbrandhorst/sage/sage/src/sage/misc/package.py", line 293,
>> in installed_packages
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     installed.update(pip_installed_packages())
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File
>> "/home/agag/sbrandhorst/sage/sage/src/sage/misc/package.py", line 147,
>> in pip_installed_packages
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     proc = subprocess.Popen(["pip", "list"],
>> stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File
>> "/home/agag/sbrandhorst/sage/sage/local/lib/python/subprocess.py", line
>> 710, in __init__
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     errread, errwrite)
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]   File
>> "/home/agag/sbrandhorst/sage/sage/local/lib/python/subprocess.py", line
>> 1335, in _execute_child
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2]     raise child_exception
>> [sagelib-7.4.beta2] OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> 'pip' is a Sage standard package, hence ${SAGE_LOCAL}/bin/pip should be
> there.
> Presumably a (newly introduced) race condition / missing dependency in
> the Makefile.
> 'make pip && make' /may/ work; './sage -i pip && make' is more likely to
> succeed I guess.
> Thanks for reporting.
> (Will indirectly get fixed by #21291 [1] as well, I think.)

Nope, it won't.

This is now https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21403 -- needs (trivial!)


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