See the following timings: If I start Sage with OMP_NUM_THREADS=1, a
particular computation takes 1.52 cpu seconds and 1.56 wall seconds.

The same computation without OMP_NUM_THREADS set takes 12.8 cpu seconds and
1.69 wall seconds. This is particularly devastating when I'm running with
@parallel to use all of my cpu cores.

My guess is that this is Linbox related, since these computations do some
exact linear algebra, and Linbox can do some multithreading, which perhaps
uses OpenMP.

jb12407@lmfdb1:~$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 sage
SageMath version 7.4.beta6, Release Date: 2016-09-24
Warning: this is a prerelease version, and it may be unstable.
sage: %time M = ModularSymbols(5113, 2, -1)
CPU times: user 509 ms, sys: 21 ms, total: 530 ms
Wall time: 530 ms
sage: %time S = M.cuspidal_subspace().new_subspace()
CPU times: user 1.42 s, sys: 97 ms, total: 1.52 s
Wall time: 1.56 s

jb12407@lmfdb1:~$ sage
SageMath version 7.4.beta6, Release Date: 2016-09-24
sage: %time M = ModularSymbols(5113, 2, -1)
CPU times: user 570 ms, sys: 18 ms, total: 588 ms
Wall time: 591 ms
sage: %time S = M.cuspidal_subspace().new_subspace()
CPU times: user 3.76 s, sys: 9.01 s, total: 12.8 s
Wall time: 1.69 s

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