Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> 2) In contrast, the Sage notebook, while quite advanced *for its time*, has
> remained a Sage-only interface. Yes, you can use a number of other tools
> with i, *as long as they are known by Sage*.
> This simultaneously enhances and limits its utility. For example, one can
> use the Sage notebook for Maxima (and even use Maxima, R or gap cells in a
> notebook mainly containing Sage code). But only with Sege-suported version
> of Maxima, R or gap. Don't even think of having Lisp or (heavens !) Fortran
> cells...

Sagenb has support for "Fortran cells" since when Josh Kantor and I
added it in 2007...  This support integrated with f2py and numpy, to
make fortran functions available automatically.    Sagenb also has
%lisp cells.

> 3) The same is true, with both aggravation and mitigation, for SMC and its
> related tools. I like the idea of a \LaTeX editor that supports sage (or
> other) snippets. But, again, *only* with the tools integrated in Sage...

This is wrong.  1) SMC Sage worksheets support using all Jupyter
kernels via the jupyter('kernel name') command, and (2) SMC also
embeds Jupyter notebooks as one of the editor types.

> In contrast, emacs+SageTeX(+R+knitr) give me a better service...

SMC is mainly a collaborative remote website, whereas emacs + ... is a
local application -- apples to oranges.

> Similarly, while the current Jupyter notebook won't display the graphs
> produced by R,

Jupyter notebooks using the R kernel have been able to display graphs
produced by R for years, and do so pretty nicely...


> The SMC, however, will probably succeed for
> its initial goal (serving a large group of users using exclusively Sage and
> its federated tools via the Web),

That is not our goal.  A significant proportion of users of SMC don't
use Sage at all -- they use Latex or Jupyter notebooks or terminals...
  SMC just happens to make it easy to use Sage, among other things.

> for which it seems probably unbeatable ;
> but for people needing a local installation, or needing an interface to
> tools not (yet) integrated with Sage, Jupyter is simply better.

SMC is to Jupyter like Sage is to GAP or Pari.   Just as Sage doesn't
compete with GAP, SMC isn't competing with Jupyter notebooks.

William (http://wstein.org)

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