
My name is Arpit Merchant and I participated in Google Summer of Code 
(GSoC) 2016 with Sage. I had an amazing time and I would love to stay 
involved with Sage and GSoC. Will Sage be participating this year for GSoC 
2017 too? If so, I think it might be nice to get started soon. The 
programme timeline has been released and it can be found here 
<https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline>. The application 
period for mentoring organizations to submit applications to Google is from 
January 19 - February 9. 

I attended Sage Days 75 and I met some wonderful members of the Sage 
community. During discussions with them, I mentioned that the barrier to 
entry for a student to participate in GSoC with Sage is very high and the 
resources are relatively scarce. I would like to start by helping with that 
and more broadly, stay involved in some or the other capacity throughout 
(help with logistics of the GSoC process from the perspective of someone 
who participated recently, perhaps even as (an extremely novice) co-mentor 
to some project).

I feel it would be helpful to students and mentors to have a streamlined 
process and to that end, I am proposing a restructuring of Sage's GSoC 
Pages. In particular, I propose two wiki pages, *Sage’s Google Summer of 
Code (GSoC) Main Page* (comprehensive) and *GSoC 20XX Ideas Page. *The idea 
is that the former remains persistent over the years and only the latter is 
created anew. The current main page is here <https://wiki.sagemath.org/GSoC> 
it is not very informative. And last year's Ideas Page 
<https://wiki.sagemath.org/GSoC/2016> contained links to the main 
documentation, trac, etc. As a student, just setting up Sage to start 
contributing was tedious and inaccessible. And I faced a lot of trouble 
with understanding the development workflow and navigating Sage code. My 
first aim is to simplify all of this. Please take a look at this Google doc 
outlines my ideas on redesigning the GSoC wiki and please do comment with 
suggestions, edits, etc. I am volunteering to write most of the sections 
(barring some of the sections on Mentors since I do not have an adequate 
background for those. I am hoping someone else from the community can 
assist in completing those.)

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

Arpit Merchant.

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