Le dimanche 15 janvier 2017 21:24:37 UTC+1, Kwankyu Lee a écrit :
> You managed to develop SageManifolds separately from Sage, and then to 
> integrate the code fully with Sage. I am curious how this is done. It looks 
> daunting to me to chop out big code to small patches for gradual merge, 
> without breaking Sage. 
> Current Sage development workflow forces an author of a project developed 
> externally to work in this way. Was your experience a pleasant one to 
> recommend this way or do you think we need a better and alternative way for 
> future authors?

Indeed it took time to split the original SageManifolds package into many 
tickets, but it was also the occasion to think again about the whole code 
structure. Above all, the interaction with the reviewers and the whole Sage 
community (through questions I posted on this list) was very fruitful and 
instructive to me. One of the reviewers, Travis Scrimshaw helped a lot, 
improving the quality of the code and its documentation. He also modified 
some parts quite substantially, introducing new constructions. So yes it 
was a pleasant experience and I do not regret the choice of such a 
development workflow, despite one of its main drawback: until all the 
tickets were merged, its was difficult for people to add new features. But 
now, I expect that it will be much easier, hence the proposed contribute 

> Would you share your experience, in some place like 
> https://wiki.sagemath.org/CodeSharingWorkflow 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.sagemath.org%2FCodeSharingWorkflow&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFZ7wCOoI93etxJhJuJolgOnJ4VNA>
>  ? 

Yes, I may add something there. 

Best wishes,


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