
let me try to summarize : we are still *quite far* from being python3 

There are two main milestones we must reach:

1)  being able to build sage with python3 ;
(with substeps: 1A) being able to cythonize all pyx files / 1B) being able 
to compile all pyx files) 1C) being able to build all py files.

2) having all doctests pass

Currently, progress is very slowly being made on 1) and some changes are 
made in parallel (in a blind way) for 2)

Concerning 1), I would say cmp and unicode are the main remaining problems. 
Integer division has almost been tackled, but not quite.

The problem with cmp is quite hard, and it seems that every instance of 
cmp() must be handled separately. I have gained some experience on the 
subject, but given the lack of reviewers, this implies a very slow pace. 
This cmp problem should be the last remaining thing to handle before 
reaching 1A) and maybe even 1B)

For 1C), the cmp problem has not been considered yet, but it is *huge*.

Unicode problem has almost not been looked at either. I just had a quick 
look at #14153.

Concerning having doctests pass 2), some work has already been done, but 
given that we are not able to build, this is done without any check, which 
is bad. Here, we are trying (in the dark) to prepare things for when build 
will happen.

Some general comments : I have been told to make progress by small steps, 
so using many tickets. This is maybe better for stability, but implies that 
every single move takes a long time to enter sage: review and closing may 
take months. Very often, I must stop working on python3, because there are 
already many positively reviewed tickets, and only much later they willl be 
closed. I need them to be cleaned up to have a clear view of the situation.

Another problem is regression. I have made patchbot plugins to try and 
prevent incompatible code to enter sage again. This is not sufficient. We 
need to have the doctest framework itself check that there is no bad print 
and a few other solved issues. I have required help to do that, but nobody 
stepped in.

I would like to thank here the people that have been tirelessly refering so 
many of the python3 tickets, in particular Travis, Jeroen and Jori. If some 
other people are interested, reviewing tickets would be helpful. Or even 
working on the remaining issues. I did not want to do all this just me 


Le jeudi 19 janvier 2017 03:36:01 UTC+1, William a écrit :
> Hi, 
> Does anybody have an "executive summary" of the status of Sage and 
> Python3?   Many people keep asking me,  and I don't have a good 
> answer. 
>  -- William 
> -- 
> William (http://wstein.org) 

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