
On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 06:42:43AM -0800, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Dear Thierry,
> If I understand you correctly, you'd like to see Sage documentation acting 
> a bit like courseware ?

No, i just want to be able to propose exercises with hints or solutions in
thematic tutorials.

> If so, I think that this is a bit peripheral to Sage *Documentation*
> needs, where our primary goal should be to *enhance* information
> availability, not hinder it.

- perhaps "hiding" was an ill-chosen word, let me replace it with
  "providing" in the topic of this thread,
- spoiling can contribute to hindering reflection,
- knowledge is not limited to information, understanding is not
- Sage documentation does not have single goal, in particular, the
  reference manual and the thematic tutorials are different, and those
  latter might benefit from non-trivial exercises. And since they are
  supposed to be worked in autonomy, we have to provide solutions
  somewhere, while letting the possibility for the user to think first,
- if most text books propose exercises, whose hardest got hints or
  solutions at the end of the volume, i guess there are good reasons.

> However, it might be an interesting development for cloud.sagemath.com 
> (with another set of examples, obviously...).

A non-trivial part of the humanity does not have enough bandwidth to use
such online services, so it might be a good idea to provide the same
variety of documents within Sage documentation (note that most free Sage
books are already available as pdf in the Sage Debian Live, as well as all
the Sage documentation).

I am just trying to write a thematic tutorial, and i do not want to remove
some exercises, just because they go beyond an informational brain dump.

I dont get the point in reserving exercises "experiment this", "what do
you notice?", "could you explain the behaviour?", "how would you fix the
issue?",... to online platforms.

> Sincerely,
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier
> Le vendredi 3 mars 2017 13:23:04 UTC+1, Thierry (sage-googlesucks@xxx) a 
> écrit :
> >
> > Hi, 
> >
> > currently thematic tutorials are made of examples and straightforward 
> > application exercises. I would like to propose non-trivial exercises, so 
> > that we should propose a solution or some hints. However, the solution 
> > should not be readable at the first look of the page, but still accessible 
> > by the user. 
> >
> > I was thinking of: 
> >
> > - having some additional EXERCISE/QUESTION/SOLUTION/ANSWER/HINT sections 
> >   similar to EXAMPLES/TESTS, for which SOLUTION/ANSWER/HINT are folded by 
> >   default. 
> >
> > - having a HIDDEN_TOPIC sphinx directive similar to TOPIC which leads to a 
> >   folded block by default (TOPIC directive is used for exercises e.g. in 
> >   
> > http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/thematic_tutorials/tutorial-comprehensions.html)
> >  
> >
> >
> > - putting solutions in a separate file and make links to it (through it 
> >   links might be a bit fastidious to maintain). I currently do this for my 
> >   tutorials (basically i write a worksheet with solutions, and when it is 
> >   ready, i remove the solutions and produce a second worksheet). 
> >
> > - you might have your own workflow for such a situations, which i am 
> >   interested in. 
> >
> > It would be wonderful if this could work with sphinx (online doc) as well 
> > as in ipynb (obtained with "sage -rst2ipynb" command) for indepentent 
> > jupyter worksheets to be distributed to students. 
> >
> > I opened https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22508 for that, but i am 
> > clearly 
> > incompetent and do not see any way to achieve that. So, any help or 
> > suggestion would be very welcome ! 
> >
> > Ciao, 
> > Thierry 
> >
> >
> -- 
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