I disagree with the conclusion of Marc's slides; in particular that it is 
the "right way". In fact, I am going to be bold and propose that only 
adding new code like that is the wrong way for developing Sage. Following 
the logic, we should take all of the code in Sage, put in into (separate) 
3rd party packages, and have Sage be the bindings between some of the base 
dependencies. However, these different parts of Sage can have very 
non-trivial dependencies and local doctests do not necessarily have. 
Moreover, there is absolutely *no* quality control measures put in place: 
anyone can put code in a 3rd party package with little-to-no documentation 
or doctests. So code is likely to break, not work, and/or be unusable. That 
really is the only advantage I can see to having a 3rd party package: you 
do not have to do Sage's review process.

Now, for distributing code with the eventual goal to merge into Sage, this 
is a good methodology. However, it still does not replace a good trac 
ticket with code that should be there for people to review. Additionally, 
if you do all of the stuff to bring it to Sage's standards, how much harder 
is it to submit it as a trac ticket for integration into Sage? If it 
languishes in needs review, then users can use it (and hopefully one of 
them will eventually review it, but that seems unlikely). We also do not 
have the infrastructure to do something like R with package management. IDK 
what QC measures R has in place to fairly assess their process.

In case it was never mentioned here, there is also a large list of 
> external sage-dependent packages here: 
> https://wiki.sagemath.org/SageMathExternalPackages 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.sagemath.org%2FSageMathExternalPackages&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFVe1YmfRWENzfRockIeaZD5qCY7w>
> Case in point, how many of those external packages actually work with 8.0? 
Is anyone actually testing them? SageManifolds has now been fully 
integrated into Sage proper, so it probably should not be on the list. I am 
suspect that a number of them will work on 8.0 due to internal changes in 
Sage. Train tracks are now in the process of getting merged into Sage.

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