On 2017-09-08, Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:
> When I do libgap_enter() and then
>    cdef GapElement_FiniteField zero = libgap(F.zero())
> (where F=GF(2)), I get a crash. I am about to test whether I can make
> up a minimal example from it.

VoilĂ  :

sage: cython("""
....: #!clib gap
....: from sage.libs.gap.gap_includes cimport *
....: from sage.libs.gap.element cimport GapElement_FiniteField
....: from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
....: def test(x):
....:     libgap_enter()
....:     cdef GapElement_FiniteField y = libgap(x)
....:     libgap_exit()
....: """)
sage: test(GF(2).zero())

The above crashes. When I move libgap_enter() one line down, it works.

Best regards,

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