On Friday, October 20, 2017 at 8:19:55 AM UTC+1, Bruno Grenet wrote:
> As reported on Ask 
> <
> https://ask.sagemath.org/question/39204/segmentation-fault-when-multiplying-by-variable/>,
> the following computation causes a segmentation fault: 
> sage: P.<x> = GF(3)['x'] 
> sage: var('a') 
> sage: sigma = 2*x+ 1 
> sage: a * sigma 
> According to my tests, the problem occurs when one multiplies a symbolic 
> expression by a non monic polynomial over a finite field, having at 
> least two terms. Note that converting the polynomial to SR beforehand 
> does not change anything. 

The latter is the cause - certainly it should not be possible to perform 
such a conversion; as it seemingly succeeds, the
coersion system things it can do the multiplication...

> I did not succeed in finding the origin of this bug, so help is welcome. 
> I've opened ticket #24072 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/24072> for 
> this. 
> Best, 
> Bruno 

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