On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 6:12 PM, Emmanuel Charpentier
<emanuel.charpent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> During the
> [discussion](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/fE45025Wphs/mKdCAeNhAgAJ)
> of the inclusion of OpenSSL, a few remarks were mafdeabout the security of
> our distribution infrastructure.
> It has been noted that http is ridiculously easy to hijack,  and some have
> remarked that this potential threat also applied to the  http downloads from
> our mirrors.
> I think we should consider this issue, an plan to post (Real Soon Now) a
> call for discussion about this. What is the relevant list ?
> Others remarked that a non-SSL-enabled pip, which impedes, for example,
> downloading from Pipy, sort-of enhanced security by suppressing a possible
> source of attack. No comments...
> I have a few questions :
> * Would it be difficult/onerous/cumbersome to ask our mirrors to switch to
> https-only service ?
> * Would such a measure significantly lower the possibility of attacks of a
> Sage user/developer machine via "http hijacking" ?
> * what is the likelihood of such an attack ?

Very low, but I would still be +1 on switching to HTTPS for mirrors
and SHA-256 hashes for packages (the latter especially).

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