On 2017-12-06 15:49, Erik Bray wrote:
I think this question has come up before, but I don't know that
there's been a really satisfactory solution.

Many of the doctests have dicts as their output (or worse, contained
embedded in their output).  This can fail from time to time since dict
element order is not guaranteed.

In doctests, the output of dicts is sorted. So I guess you run into trouble only when

(A) The dict is embedded in some deeper structure: no general solution, a case-by-case fix is needed

(B) The sorting is different in Python 2 and Python 3: this is a general consequence of the __cmp__/__richcmp__ differences. One important ticket is https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22029

(C) The keys cannot be sorted: fixed by https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/10767 which is not in Sage yet.

I would not try to fix cases (B) and (C) in doctests because they will be fixed at some point anyway.

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