On Mon, 15 Jan 2018, Victor Porton wrote:

Are you sure? I think I need non-automorphism permutations. Automorphism by definition maps a Hasse diagram into itself, while I need to map it into other diagrams, not into itself.

True, but I think that the converse should be doable by automorphism group ("permutations divided by automorphism").

I say that a poset A is greater than the poset B if and only if:

For every x, y: if x<=y in B-order then if x<=y in A-order.

This is called 'extension' of a poset, see http://planetmath.org/extensionofaposet . Mostly linear extensions are studied, and I think there is not (yet) a program in Sage to list extensions of a poset.

Actually listing all extensions of an antichain would be exactly all labeled posets. Maybe I should think about implementing this.

By the way, can anyone give me CPU power of a supercomputer for free?

Try to make a paper together with someone in Finland... 1000 CPU hours is automatically available here for any researcher in any university, more by asking.

(There was error, 10000 CPU hours is the right value.)

I am an amateur researcher. It is hard for me to find a research partner.

OK. For that I don't have good suggestions.

However I saved money on an UPS, so in the case if electricity disconnects or something happens with my Linux I would need start anew.

If you don't want to make a code that can save temporary results you can just install some virtualization software (VirtualBox is my favorite in desktop), install Sage inside the virtual machine, and then make snapshots of the virtual machine sometimes. You can even make it automatic, see https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-automate-virtualbox-snapshots-with-the-vboxmanage-command/

Jori Mäntysalo

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