
since various people requested it, Sage Debian Live [1] tries to ship
other interfaces to R (Rcmdr, JGR, rstudio).

I do not want to have 2 different installs of R on the live since it might
cause confusion (e.g. if they install a package, it will only be available
in one install, not the other). 

So there are two possible ways: letting those interfaces use the Sage's R,
or letting Sage use the system's R. Both are causing problems.

If i want to let rstudio use Sage's R, i get some errors since it seems
that some paths are incorrect in our install. For example, if you look at
the file $SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/R/bin/R you will see:


that corresponds to the build dir, which does not exist anymore once R in
installed within Sage (this triggers rstudio errors).

If on the other way, i try to let Sage use system's R by:
  - replacing r spkg-install by "true"
  - exporting RHOMES=/usr/lib/R/ in rpy2 spkg-install (instead of

Then from the Sage command line, i got the following problem: if i type a
r command, e.g.:

    sage: r.abs(-1)

then nothing happens. So i have to interrupt it (with CTRL+C), but then if
i try again:

    sage: r.abs(-1)

it works as expected, and all further r computations also work well. Hence
we are not far from having the interface work well with the system's R
install, apart from the first call that freezes Sage.

Do anyone have an idea on how to fix it ? I am locked with that issue for
a while, and it will greatly help me in the release of the next SDL (there
are also tons of issues with the migration jessie->stretch but i am close
to having fixed them all).


[1] https://sagedebianlive.metelu.net/

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