Hi all!

There appears to be a bug involving block orders. The equality for 
TermOrder does not take lengths into account, so two different block 
orderings are considered equal. As a result, trying to change the block 
sizes of a polynomial ring has no effect, as the ring is cached.

sage: R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 6, 'x', order="lex(1),lex(5)")
sage: S = R.change_ring(order="lex(2),lex(4)")
sage: R.term_order() != S.term_order()
sage: R is S
sage: TermOrder("lex(1),lex(5)") == TermOrder("lex(2),lex(4)")

Although the source code for TermOrder mentions that lengths are not 
considered for equality, this seems to be incorrect behaviour in case of 
block orderings.

I am using Sage 8.1 on OS X 10.13.


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