On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Erik Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:16 PM, Emmanuel Charpentier
> <emanuel.charpent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Le lundi 19 mars 2018 11:44:33 UTC+1, Erik Bray a écrit :
>>> This question raised an issue I was not aware of (and didn't see any
>>> existing tickets for):
>>> https://ask.sagemath.org/question/41592/inside-help-not-processed/#
>>> When viewing docs for Sage objects in the Jupyter Notebook, they are
>>> just displayed as plain text--this is a major shortcoming over SageNB
>>> which renders the latex in the online help.
>>> What's worse, in the Notebook the docs are passed through the same
>>> "de-texification" that is used on the command-line to make some tex
>>> readable in plain ASCII.  There are two issues here:
>>> 1) The de-texification is obviously imperfect.  The particular example
>>> contained \longrightarrow which it didn't know what to do with.
>>> Easily fixable, but beside the point.  It will never be 100% perfect
>>> (it also looks like it could benefit tremendously from Unicode support
>>> which has never been added to it).
>> De-texification is *hard* : see the various solutions enumerated here...
> Yes...  The solution we have is useful; could be improved; but that's
> a never-ended process.
>>> 2) It goes without saying that in the Notebook help should be rendered
>>> by MathJax.  It's not clear to me that the Jupyter Notebook actually
>>> knows that it can/should run MathJax over the help window, but
>>> currently it does not appear to run MathJax over the help panel (even
>>> if I explicitly wrap equations in dollar signs or something).
>> It can be done. See for an (approximate) example what do the two available R
>> Jupyter kernels (respectively IRkernel and Juniper). I'ts only approximate,
>> since R help pahges use their own sui generis markup (Rd).
>> A possibly easier alternative would go the route \LaTeX ==> DVI ==> HTML, as
>> proposed by the (many) "solutions" proposed there.
> I'm not sure what you mean here.  We already *have* HTML versions of
> the Sage docs installed with Sage. For example if something like
> Manifold.diff_form? could return a path to
> http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/manifolds/sage/manifolds/differentiable/manifold.html?highlight=diff_form#sage.manifolds.differentiable.manifold.DifferentiableManifold.diff_form
> and display that in the Notebook's help window, then our job is done
> :)
> I'm just not sure if it's possible to do that through Jupyter's API,
> but I'll have to look at what the R kernels you pointed me to do.

It looks like, just from reading the Jupyter docs, this where we can
control what '?' returns at the kernel level:

So if Sage could just return a snippet of the appropriate HTML docs
(with MathJax enabled, etc.) then that should do the trick.  I'm not
sure about the details though.

  I wonder if CoCalc has already done this...

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