Thank you!
I have resolved for up to "geng 11". It is the 12 that I need a solution. I 
am aware how many graphs it generates.

I used multi-core manually, i.e., I launched multiple(24) geng program on a 
24-core machine.

There is no doubt that geng is much faster than using sagemath's 
nauty_geng(python). Thank you for the suggestion.

With 12, I can't write to a file, it is at least 1500G. I can write to a 
file up to around 300G at most.

That is why I am thinking how to divide the output of "geng 12".   So far, 
I don't have any idea. Any suggestion?

On Friday, March 22, 2019 at 1:37:42 AM UTC-7, Jori Mäntysalo (TAU) wrote:
> OK, more explanation. 
>   * * * 
> First I compare time for generating graphs in Nauty and in Sage. As plain 
> graphs(n) uses nauty, I have test.sage containing 
> print(sum(1 for _ in graphs(9))) 
> It takes about 11½ seconds to run. I tested this with 
> time ./sage test.sage 
> Then, 
> ./local/bin/geng 9 > /dev/null 
> says "274668 graphs generated in 0.12 sec". So, if we just want to sample 
> few graphs, we can get the speedup of ~50x. In other words, it is slow to 
> convert data to Python internal format. 
> OTOH number of many finite structures up to isomorphism grows very fast. 
> So you can for example test some hypothesis to n=10 on a mobile phone, 
> n=11 on a desktop computer and n=13 on a supercomputer. Same happens when 
> you optimize code. 
>   * * * 
> Next, does geng use multiple cpu cores? No. There is no difference between 
> time taskset -c 1 ./local/bin/geng 9 > /dev/null 
> time taskset -c 1-4 ./local/bin/geng 9 > /dev/null 
> (You could also use "top" to see cpu usage.) 
>   * * * 
> Now, how to use geng, make a sample, and then get them to Sage? First I 
> generated all graphs (here to n=9 for speed): 
> $ ./local/bin/geng 9 > g9 
> >A ./local/bin/geng -d0D8 n=9 e=0-36 
> >Z 274668 graphs generated in 0.12 sec 
> OK, now I have a big list of strings: 
> $ head -3 g9 ; tail -3 g9 
> H?????? 
> H????A? 
> H????B? 
> H]~~~~~ 
> H^~~~~~ 
> H~~~~~~ 
> Every line is an encoded graph. I want to make a sample, lets say every 
> 1000:th line. Every line is (HERE, not when n=12) 8 bytes long. So, 
> $ i=0; while [[ i -lt 274668 ]]; do dd if=g9 bs=8 skip=$i count=1 >> 
> g9sample 2> /dev/null; i=$((i+1000)); done 
> will give you a file of 275 lines: 
> $ wc -l g9sample 
> 275 g9sample 
> And now I did a test2.sage -file: 
> with open('g9sample', 'r') as fp: 
>      c = 0 
>      n = 0 
>      for line in fp: 
>          g = Graph(line, format='graph6') 
>          n += 1 
>          if g.is_connected(): 
>              c += 1 
> print("About %s percent are connected" % round(100.0*c/n)) 
> and 
> $ ./sage test2.sage 
> About 95 percent are connected 
> Of course there are many other ways for this. For example you could read 
> the whole file with Python and just skip 99,9% of lines, or skip every 
> line with propability of 0.999 etc. Hopefully you get the idea from this. 
> -- 
> Jori Mäntysalo 
> Tampereen yliopisto - Ihminen ratkaisee

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