The following code produces the weird result:

sage: R.<c>=QQ[]
sage: S.<x,y>=R[]
sage: u=FractionField(S)(x^2+y^2)
sage: v = u.numerator()/u.denominator()
sage: print u.numerator().parent()
sage: print v.numerator().parent()


Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Univariate Polynomial Ring in c 
over Rational Field
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Fraction Field of Univariate 
Polynomial Ring in c over Rational Field

Since u.denominator()=1, I expected v to be equal to u, and certainly for 
their numerators to be over the same base field. I think the base field 
change may be an issue with the method inverse_of_unit in 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! This base field change was causing 
an error with the dynatomic_polynomial method.

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