On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 11:04 PM Jeroen Demeyer <j.deme...@ugent.be> wrote:
> On 2019-07-27 18:49, 'Mark Bell' via sage-devel wrote:
> > During Sage Days 100, I experienced an issue with Sage's Integers and
> > Rational not being compatible with Python's built in Fraction class.
> > This made me unable to run my Python code within Sage
> It would be good to explain better exactly what kind of code you were
> running and why this is an issue for you.
> I mentioned this issue to the Python devs and Guido van Rossum basically
> rejected the problem. He literally said "what real-world problem does
> that solve?" when talking about letting Python fractions interoperate
> with Sage fractions, see
> https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-3141-ratio-instead-of-numerator-denominator/2037/27?u=jdemeyer
> If this would be a simple bugfix, I would dismiss Guido's comment as
> irrelevant. But in this case, there is no easy fix. Every proposed fix
> is somewhat backwards incompatible and can potentially break stuff. So
> we should only apply a fix if it will actually solve a real problem that
> people are encountering.

What if, at some point, we just make a Sage release that breaks
backwards compatibility?  It doesn't have to be as huge a breakage as
Python 2 -> Python 3.  But sometimes it's just necessary to bite the
bullet and break things.  That's what version numbering is for.

It would help, of course, if every current Sage release weren't an
arbitrary mix of enhancements and bug fixes.

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