On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 5:58 AM TB <mathze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 13/08/2019 13:55, E. Madison Bray wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 11:28 AM Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I am sorry for the late answer (and I am a bit surprised that nobody
> >> else answered before).
> >>
> >> I believe it is somehow useful to have such a feature when developing a
> >> large piece of new code (so that one can do a relevant subset of tests
> >> quickly). However, I am not so sure how that feature would be used once
> >> the piece of code is published. I.e., I cannot see how that feature
> >> would be useful in the Sage test suites, but I see potential use in
> >> development.
> >
> > It's useful to have in general, even after initial development of some
> > code.  For example, sometimes if just one test is failing in some
> > particular case or another (i.e. a regression) it is very useful to be
> > able to easily run just that test.
> >
> > For example, in pytest, it's possible to test not just a specific
> > file, but also drill down into specific test cases, by name (including
> > wildcards).
> >
> > With Sage's extensive use of doctests this is a little trickier but
> > not impossible, and is something I've often wanted as well.
> >
> > One approach which would be fairly easy would be to extend the doctest
> > interface to accept a line number, or even range of line numbers, on
> > which to run tests.  At the command line this could be a syntax like:
> >
> >      ./sage -t <filename>:<lineno>
> >
> > This is imperfect of course.  For example, what if you're actively
> > editing the file that contains the test?  Then the line number will
> > move around and you'd have to keep changing it.  If nothing else it
> > might be able to allow some fuzz (e.g. start on the nearest doctest
> > block to that line number).
> >
> > It can also fail if the test you're running depends on some results
> > from a previous doctest block.  Obviously in that case it is the
> > user's responsibility to make sure that the test they want to focus on
> > works in isolation (though this is also why allowing a range syntax
> > like <filename>:<start>-<end> is useful).
> >
> Yes, I was thinking about this feature for a faster edit-test
> development loop. This should be useful also when touching existing
> code, and not just when adding new code.
> Usually I have another shell to run "sage -t /some/file" while editing
> that file, and in most cases this is fast enough. But when used with
> --long this gets longer, of course, and testing pieces of code that are
> surely irrelevant during development.
> With such a feature, it should be easy to have a key binding, in an
> editor of choice, that would run just the relevant doctests. Looking at
> the doctest module docs [1] there is the run_docstring_examples()
> function [2] function and an unittest API section, but I do not know how
> easy it will be to integrate with Sage's doctest.

I would suggest opening an issue for it.  Doesn't guarantee anyone
will bother to implement it, but if it's just left as a mailing list
thread it's guaranteed no one will remember.

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