
Le lundi 28 octobre 2019 23:02:23 UTC+1, John H Palmieri a écrit :
> *Experimental:*
> - the following failed to build:
> autotools
> cocoalib
> libtheora
> polymake
> qepcad
> scipoptsuite
> surf
> valgrind
> - the following succeeded:
> gap3
> lie
> modular_decomposition
> perl_term_readline_gnu
> polymake succeeded but only after installing the perl JSON package. (Why 
> is jupymake optional and polymake experimental? jupymake has polymake as a 
> dependency, and optional packages should not depend on experimental 
> packages.)
This problem should be addressed here: 
https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27763 .

I do not know how jupymake ended up being optional while it depends on an 
experimental package. Nevertheless, I know that there was the idea of 
making polymake optional now that it has a more stable installation and 

See the ticket: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22710 for more information 
about the development of polymake package and interface.

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