I have a question about the future of srange under python 3, which changes 
the behaviour of range. Probably this has been discussed before but I could 
not find it.

In 9.0.beta10 we have

sage: range(1,3)
range(1, 3)
sage: srange(1,3)
[1, 2]
sage: sxrange(1,3)
<generator object at 0x7efd99ef8e88>
sage: [1..2]
[1, 2]
sage: type(range(1,3)), type(srange(1,3)), type(sxrange(1,3)), type([1..2])
(<class 'range'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'generator'>, <class 'list'>)

and no xrange anymore.

Would it make sense to drop sxrange and make srange an iterator like range, 
while keeping [a..b] as a list as suggested by its notation?


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