On Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:35:16 PM UTC-8, Simon King wrote:
> Here is an example: 
> Unpickling the data initially results in a string, s: 
>   sage: s = '\x80\x1f' 
> I want it to be interpreted as the following bytes, b: 
>   sage: b = b'\x80\x1f' 
> How can I efficiently transform s into b? The following works, but I 

This is exactly what we encountered on #28444, where we found that "latin1" 
decoding has a left-inverse (if decoding acts on the left) of "latin1" 
encoding. It looks like the encoding Py3 used for your py2-string was 
"latin1" (that's what we decided was the smart thing to do most of the time 
for possibly binary data), so


should do the trick. That should be pretty efficient.


> doubt that it is very efficient: 
>   sage: import struct 
>   sage: struct.pack('{}B'.format(len(s)),*(ord(_) for _ in s)) == b 
>   True 
> Note that sage.cpython.string.str_to_bytes does't do what I need: 
>   sage: sage.cpython.string.str_to_bytes(s) 
>   b'\xc2\x80\x1f' 
> Best regards, 
> Simon 

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