Sorry, code to produce the sobj is already included in the package. From

    def _init(self, path):
        Create the database from scratch from the PARI files on John Jones's
        web page, downloaded (e.g., via wget) to a local directory, which
        is specified as path above.


        -  ``path`` - (default works on William Stein install.)
           path must be the path to Jones's Number_Fields directory
  These files should have
           been downloaded using wget.

        EXAMPLES: This is how to create the database from scratch, assuming
        that the number fields are in the default directory above: From a
        cold start of Sage::

                sage: J = JonesDatabase()
                sage: J._init()   # not tested

        This takes about 5 seconds.
        from sage.misc.misc import sage_makedirs
        x = PolynomialRing(RationalField(), 'x').gen()
        self.root = {}
        self.root[tuple([])] = [x - 1]
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise IOError("Path %s does not exist." % path)
        for X in os.listdir(path):
            if X[-4:] == "solo":
                Z = path + "/" + X
                for Y in os.listdir(Z):
                    if Y[-3:] == ".gp":
                        self._load(Z, Y)
        save(self.root, JONESDATA + "/jones.sobj")

Modulo collecting the text source that aren't included (but readily 
available on a web site), the code to compile the database is already 
there! You might want to check with the author if he/she is OK with you 
downloading and distributing the text files separately, but for robustness 
I think you'd be doing the community a favour by wrapping the data in a 
"source distribution" too.

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