Hi Michael,

perhaps the code in src/sage/docs/instancedoc.pyx is helpful for you?

I see several problems:
1. It is possible to override the __doc__ of an anbound method, but this
would override the __doc__ also in the parent class:

  sage: class A:
  ....:     def my_method(self):
  ....:         "Some doc"
  ....:         pass
  sage: class B(A): pass
  sage: B.my_method.__doc__ = "Some other doc"
  sage: A.my_method.__doc__
  'Some other doc'

2. It is impossible (without Cython, at least) to override the __doc__
of a bound method:

  sage: a = A()
  sage: a.my_method.__doc__ = "Some more doc"
  AttributeError: attribute '__doc__' of 'method' objects is not writable

3. I thought a potential solution would be to create a subclass
FlexibleDocMethodType of types.MethodType that uses the instancedoc
decorator, say by accessing some attribute of the_method.__self__ that
holds the new doc. "Usual" methods would then (via some decorator) be
replaced by instances of FlexibleDocMethodType. But unfortunately it
seems that types.MethodTypes cannot be subclassed:

  sage: from types import MethodType
  sage: class FlexibleDocMethodType(MethodType):
  ....:     pass
  TypeError: type 'method' is not an acceptable base type

Best regards,

On 2020-03-18, Michael Jung <micj...@uni-potsdam.de> wrote:
> Dear developers,
> to reduce redundancies in the SageManifolds code, we plan to inherit most 
> methods and classes from a (mathematically) more general setup. 
> Still, the current documentation is mandatory. Is it possible to establish 
> new documentations for inherited methods?
> An example:
> class Mother(SageObject):
>     def my_method(self):
>         r"""
>         Some Documentation.
>         """"
>         return 'Bam!'
> class Daughter(Mother):
>     pass
> For the class "Daughter", the method "my_method" shall have a separate 
> self-containing documentation.
> Best regards
> Michael

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