On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 2:46 PM Thierry <sage-googlesu...@lma.metelu.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 09:51:20PM -0700, Matthias Koeppe wrote:
> > ./configure --enable-cbc && make
> OK thanks. I notice that if i do
>    ./configure --enable-foo
>    ./configure --enable-bar
>    make build
> it seems that only bar is installed, right ?

yes, this is totally standard behaviour of ./configure scripts.
They don't cache parameters they are called with, more precisely, they
store them in config.status.

> If i want to make a progressive loop over packages, i should iterate
> like that :
>     for i in <packages list> ; do
>         /configure --enable-${i}
>         make build
>     done
> Correct ?
yes, this would install everything in <packages list> (assumning there
are no contradicting options
such as mpir vs gmp, no dependencies --- which is actually the biggest
problem in this, as deps can't be easilty controlled with a plain list
of packages--- etc), but would be slower than first building the
string to call ./configure with,
then calling configure once, and finally "make build" once.
It might fail at some point, but your loop might fail just as well, right?

> Note that i make checkpoints, since i am used encounter problems in
> building/testing packages for SDL (which is 32bit) [1], and i did not
> build SDL for a while so i am expecting some issues.  Hence, i can not
> do a single run like:
>     ./configure --enable-foo --enable-bar [...]
> Now, since ./configure --enable-foo seems to modify the following bunch
> of files:
>     ./build/make/Makefile-auto
>     ./build/make/Makefile
>     ./build/bin/sage-build-env-config
>     ./build/pkgs/sage_conf/src/setup.cfg
>     ./build/pkgs/sage_conf/src/sage_conf.py
>     ./logs/pkgs/config.log
>     ./config.status
>     ./src/bin/sage-env-config
>     ./src/Makefile
> should i end with a bare
>     ./configure
> to let those file return in a kind of "default state" ?

yes, or, better if foo won't build you can

./configure --disable-foo

to get rid of exactly the request to build foo.
So in your loop you may have a check for the condition of
`make build` and call
./configure --disable-${i}
if it failed.

there is also a funtionality of tox available fot testing things, but
I am not familiar with it.


> Also, what should i do if i want to run self tests at the same time ? I
> used to do:
>     sage -i -c foo
> is there a ./configure replacement for that ?

no, but there is always

export SAGE_CHECK=yes

to effect package's self-tests

> Ciao,
> Thierry
> [1]
> https://trac.sagemath.org/query?keywords=~sdl&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&order=priority
> --
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