On Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 12:41:52 PM UTC-7, Michael Jung wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. Actually, I consider a commutative sub-algebra 
> here. What do you mean by "taking fibers of [my] sheaf"?

Specialize to the exterior product algebra of the cotangent space at a 
point. So, at that point you get a vector in the vector space spanned by 
elements of the form dz_1 wedge ... wedge dz_r, with coefficients in your 
base field (perhaps better to take exactly representable field elements; 
otherwise you get additional numerical problems on top)

You can do the linear algebra operations you want to do there (say, take a 
determinant or so -- if your vector space admits that operation).

Once you have that at a bunch of points, you can interpolate. To get proven 
results you'd need some a priori finite dimensional vector space of 
sections (e.g. a degree bound on the polynomial you're trying to 
interpolate) and a guarantee that your interpolation points are 
well-distributed and sufficiently plentiful, so that interpolation gives a 
unique result.

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