On 2014-03-05, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You need to run "make" to update the banner and third-party code. The "sage 
> -b" will only rebuild the Sage python library.
now, after fighting with and aborting a merge, and then getting back to beta3 I 
am getting 

OSError: [reference] WARNING: Unable to fetch

while doing make.  Is there any way to fix this, short of wiping out 
the whole thing and starting from scratch?
Mind you, according to git, everything is fine: I have

$ git status
# On branch develop
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Needless to say, I did not commit anything myself after beta3 came
Here is more dochtml.log - although it's pretty uninformative regarding a
particular source file which is nuked:
[reference] number_fields: 1 todos, 20 index, 5 citations, 19 modules
[reference] numeric:
[reference] WARNING: Unable to fetch
[reference] WARNING: Unable to fetch
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 83, in f
line 185, in <module>
line 206, in main
    print >>error
line 165, in write
line 139, in _write
line 108, in _log_line
    raise OSError(line)
OSError: [reference] WARNING: Unable to fetch

> On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 2:27:57 PM UTC, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> On 2014-03-05, Nathann Cohen <nathan...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
>> > Helloooooooo !! 
>> > 
>> >> suppose I previosuly had beta2 installed from the tarball. What is the 
>> >> git way to get the update? 
>> >> 
>> >> Would 'git pull' followed by 'make' be enough? 
>> > 
>> > Yep. First make sure that your current branch is actually the beta2 
>> > release (and not some ticket's branch, or something you are working 
>> > on), and then "git pull". And make, which is not always necessary 
>> > (when spkg were updated if I make no mistake). 
>> > 
>> > If something happens, then it works. If you get an error message, share 
>> it :-D 
>> something has happened, surely, but at the end I still see beta2 
>> banner, even though git log says that the latest commit is 
>> commit ccab9854bf85180a261d71a8adc103d4c1f26342 
>> Author: Volker Braun <vbrau...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
>> Date:   Mon Mar 3 16:05:18 2014 +0100 
>>     Updated Sage version to 6.2.beta3 
>> and one can see that the banner is updated by this commit. 
>> Well, sage-banner in src/bin/ is different from the one in local/bin/; 
>> the latter stays on beta2. 
>> How are the scripts in local/bin updated? 

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