On Jul 15, 2015, at 16:10 , Volker Braun wrote:

> As always, you can get the latest beta version from the "develop" git 
> branch. Alternatively, the self-contained source tarball is at 
> http://www.sagemath.org/download-latest.html

Built from the tarball on two OS X systems, 10.6.8 (Dual 6-core Xeons) and 
10.10.4 (Quad-core Core i7).  On each, the build and test ('ptestlong') 
completed w/o problems.

For the record, on 10.6.8, the first test run completed with one odd error 
(below), but a repeat of the test run did complete successfully.  Here's the 
snippet of the log in question; full logs available for forensics.

sage -t --long --warn-long 101.7 src/sage/combinat/quickref.py
    Bad exit: 2
Tests run before process (pid=81937) failed:
sage: P = Partitions(10000); P.cardinality() ## line 15 ##
sage: Combinations([1,3,7]).random_element()           # random ## line 17 ##
sage: Compositions(5, max_part = 3).unrank(3) ## line 18 ##
[2, 2, 1]
sage: DyckWord([1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0]).to_binary_tree() ## line 21 ##
[., [., [[., .], .]]]
sage: Permutation([3,1,4,2]).robinson_schensted() ## line 23 ##
[[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 3], [2, 4]]]
sage: StandardTableau([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3]]).schuetzenberger_involution() ## 
line 25 ##
[[1, 3], [2, 4], [5]]
sage: Words('abc', 4).list() ## line 35 ##
[word: aaaa,
 word: aaab,
 word: aaac,
 word: aaba,
 word: aabb,
 word: aabc,
 word: aaca,
 word: aacb,
 word: aacc,
 word: abaa,
 word: abab,
 word: abac,
 word: abba,
 word: abbb,
 word: abbc,
 word: abca,
 word: abcb,
 word: abcc,
 word: acaa,
 word: acab,
 word: acac,
 word: acba,
 word: acbb,
 word: acbc,
 word: acca,
 word: accb,
 word: accc,
 word: baaa,
 word: baab,
 word: baac,
 word: baba,
 word: babb,
 word: babc,
 word: baca,
 word: bacb,
 word: bacc,
 word: bbaa,
 word: bbab,
 word: bbac,
 word: bbba,
 word: bbbb,
 word: bbbc,
 word: bbca,
 word: bbcb,
 word: bbcc,
 word: bcaa,
 word: bcab,
 word: bcac,
 word: bcba,
 word: bcbb,
 word: bcbc,
 word: bcca,
 word: bccb,
 word: bccc,
 word: caaa,
 word: caab,
 word: caac,
 word: caba,
 word: cabb,
 word: cabc,
 word: caca,
 word: cacb,
 word: cacc,
 word: cbaa,
 word: cbab,
 word: cbac,
 word: cbba,
 word: cbbb,
 word: cbbc,
 word: cbca,
 word: cbcb,
 word: cbcc,
 word: ccaa,
 word: ccab,
 word: ccac,
 word: ccba,
 word: ccbb,
 word: ccbc,
 word: ccca,
 word: cccb,
 word: cccc]
sage: Word('aabcacbaa').is_palindrome() ## line 38 ##
sage: WordMorphism('a->ab,b->a').fixed_point('a') ## line 40 ##
word: abaababaabaababaababaabaababaabaababaaba...
sage: points = random_matrix(ZZ, 6, 3, x=7).rows() ## line 45 ##
sage: L = LatticePolytope(points) ## line 46 ##
sage: L.npoints(); L.plot3d()                         # random ## line 47 ##
Graphics3d Object
sage: WeylGroup(["B",3]).bruhat_poset() ## line 51 ##


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
Experience is what you get
  when you don't get what you want.

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