As always, you can get the latest beta version from the "develop" git 
branch. Alternatively, the self-contained source tarball is at 

baff1c42dd (tag: 8.8.beta5) Updated SageMath version to 8.8.beta5
71ded1d112 Trac #27797: remove one old note, and pep cleanup of 
2735ee2c04 Trac #27786: yet another harvest of typos
bdffff56d9 Trac #27796: get rid of dollar signs in elliptic curves
52fdfad1d7 Trac #27795: spkg-configure.m4 for perl_term_readline_gnu
595929f120 Trac #27794: py3: doctests in sets
8fa7e9c235 Trac #27782: 1 pynormaliz doctest failing in 
ddbf8517cd Trac #27779: Py3: Fix dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics for python3
3f3f9f8fc6 Trac #27776: some py3 fixes in ext
41b531ebb0 Trac #27755: some fixes and pep cleanup in number fields orders
51b11e4f33 Trac #27680: MR11: Lazy initialization of libgap
28b02c41ef Trac #27642: Re-run configure+make after installing an SPKG with 
sage -i
2512f066d4 Trac #27284: spkg-configure.m4 for pcre
11ce0d345d Trac #24905: Upgrade polymake to version 3.4
320848ca5d Trac #2693: Sage should have generic resultant implementation 
for multivariate polynomials
dde47f6924 Trac #27771: py3: matroid/unpickling.pyx fix
b7f85e720c Trac #27768: py3: fix a flaky doctest in multipoly element
adc54ac6cb Trac #27767: py3: fix regression in
027201ea48 Trac #27766: Add a few more 'optional - build' tags
080beb1a9c Trac #27748: avoid using is_package_installed in
2cc376afb3 Trac #27711: Remove deprecated parameter "implementation" from 
Graph and DiGraph constructors
2a23b96573 Trac #27706: building doc: u'\xe9' in position 19: ordinal not 
in range(128)
7073b50509 Trac #27559: py3: maxint to maxsize in cryptominisat interface
b26d1ad7f4 Trac #26982: remove dynamics/interval_exchanges and 
b38af08e41 Trac #24082: Genus from a TorsionQuadraticModules and a 
signature pair
ba0f482123 Trac #27236: PariError: bug in gerepile when factoring 
2264f560b8 Trac #27756: pyflakes and pep cleanup for free monoids
55699b1a57 Trac #27743: Hyperplane Arrangement enhancements
9cd0936c52 Trac #27739: commutative rings have commutative monoids of ideals
b5ebee39f2 Trac #27622: Minor import fix in misc/
c63bda62ab Trac #27759: cleanup pyflakes warnings in sage.rings.asymptotic
b317ba9555 Trac #27758: py3: remaining fixes in doc/en
e57105d5a2 Trac #27757: py3: remaining fixes in categories
b4f31996cd Trac #27746: Upgrade LiDIA to v2.3.0+latte-patches-2019-05-01
c78e8ce544 Trac #27742: PolymakeElement._sage_: Handle polymake type 
c1b8bd1bcf Trac #27741: bug in sympy conversion of hypergeometric with 
tuple arg of length 1
4fb11501c4 Trac #27740: pyflakes and pep8 cleanup in features
b607472081 Trac #27735: Support matrix input in @interact
5dbc7ced54 Trac #27732: py3: fix one doctest in semigroups category
76b3fb388f Trac #27674: py3: some fixes to rings/polynomial
3b73058655 Trac #27653: Update sympy to 1.4
1363b54194 Trac #27641: SAGE_SPKG_CONFIGURE macro: Add new pre-check and 
post-check optional arguments
9c129a313c Trac #27588: Py3: Fix libs.ntl.ntl_ZZ_pX.pyx doctests.
027d0c5e6c Trac #27487: spkg-configure.m4 for cmake
cba1d16698 Trac #27479: Univariate PolynomialRing with 'negdegrevlex' order 
does not get 'ds' order in Singular
d8c5874b48 Trac #27262: remove "Replacing library search directory in 
linker " in src/
86c5bb0002 Trac #26718: Upgrade to three.js r100
46912716a3 Trac #26592: py3: combinat/designs: bytes-like object is 
required, not 'str'
40f87c92b6 Trac #25989: PolynomialSequence should handle iterator as input
37c2490525 Trac #27753: Fix patchbot on Python 3
5c0b498fb2 Trac #27656: py3: Fix table display in Jupyter notebook with 
Sage kernel
b9782553cc Trac #27751: barvinok spkg-install syntax error
d765ee2917 (tag: 8.8.beta4) Updated SageMath version to 8.8.beta4

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