
With 8.9.beta7 I get the following doctest failure with gap_packages:

$ ./sage -t --warn-long 51.5 src/sage/tests/gap_packages.py 
Running doctests with ID 2019-08-21-21-10-47-72e22124.
Git branch: develop
Doctesting 1 file.
sage -t --warn-long 51.5 src/sage/tests/gap_packages.py
File "src/sage/tests/gap_packages.py", line 8, in sage.tests.gap_packages
Failed example:
    test_packages(pkgs, only_failures=True)    # optional - gap_packages
      Status   Package   GAP Output
    #I  method installed for Matrix matches more than one declaration
      Status   Package   GAP Output
1 item had failures:
   1 of   5 in sage.tests.gap_packages
    [11 tests, 1 failure, 5.77 s]
sage -t --warn-long 51.5 src/sage/tests/gap_packages.py  # 1 doctest failed
Total time for all tests: 5.8 seconds
    cpu time: 4.2 seconds
    cumulative wall time: 5.8 seconds

I wonder if (in addition to gap_packages) the error depends on meataxe,
as the error mentions "Matrix", and meataxe does provide a matrix

See https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/28378

Best regards,

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