On Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 9:02:42 AM UTC-7, Samuel Lelievre wrote:
> ``` 
> $ source ./.homebrew-build-env 

By the way, that script is fixed for the next rc in 

> $ make configure 
> [...] 
> $ CC=clang CXX=clang++ FC=gfortran \ 
>   OBJC=clang OBJCXX=clang++ 
>   ./configure 
> [...] 

> 2. During `make ptestlong`, on three occasions 
> an alert that "Python quit unexpectedly" popped 
> up and offered to either (a) Ignore, (b) Inspect, 
> (c) Report to Apple (or something like that). 
> Does this happen because some doctests crash 
> Python on purpose and, because of now using 
> Homebrew's Python instead of building Sage's 
> own, this is now caught by macOS which offers 
> to report the crash to Apple? 

We observed that too on https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29463
but have not investigated from which doctests this comes exactly.

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