I hav recompiled Sage 9.3.beta3 and beta.4 from the first built on Mac OS 11.1, 
it didn’t work; it seems that it couldn’ compile Cython among all:

* package:         cython-0.29.21
  last build time: Dec 15 23:21
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         gmpy2-2.1.0b5
  last build time: Dec 15 23:57
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         markupsafe-1.1.1
  last build time: Dec 15 23:57
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         fflas_ffpack-2.4.3
  last build time: Dec 16 00:14
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         sage_conf-none
  last build time: Dec 16 00:32
  log file:        

* package:         tornado-6.0.4
  last build time: Dec 16 00:41
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         psutil-5.2.0.p2
  last build time: Dec 16 00:42
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         pillow-7.2.0
  last build time: Dec 16 00:49
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         kiwisolver-1.0.1
  last build time: Dec 16 00:49
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         scandir-1.9.0
  last build time: Dec 16 00:49
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         pyrsistent-0.16.0
  last build time: Dec 16 00:50
  log file:        
  build directory: 

* package:         cffi-1.14.3
  last build time: Dec 16 00:51
  log file:        
  build directory: 

> 15/12/2020 19:45、Sébastien Labbé <sla...@gmail.com>のメール:
> On Ubuntu 18.04, testing with various optional and external packages, I get:
> Using 
> --optional=4ti2,cbc,ccache,cryptominisat,database_jones_numfield,debian,dot2tex,e_antic,external,fricas,glucose,latte_int,libnauty,lidia,lrslib,memlimit,normaliz,notedown,pandoc_attributes,pip,pycosat,pynormaliz,rst2ipynb,sage,sage_numerical_backends_coin,sage_spkg
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage -t --long --warn-long 72.0 --random-seed=0 
> src/sage/databases/findstat.py  # 2 doctests failed
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> External software detected for doctesting: 
> ffmpeg,graphviz,imagemagick,internet,latex,octave,pandoc
> Samething after rerunning the failed tests. It is copied below.
> (Follow-up at https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25536)
> Doctesting 1 file using 8 threads.
> sage -t --long --warn-long 72.7 --random-seed=0 src/sage/databases/findstat.py
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/databases/findstat.py", line 118, in sage.databases.findstat
> Failed example:
>     r = findstat(Permutations, lambda pi: pi.saliances()[0], depth=2); r  # 
> optional -- internet
> Expected:
>     0: St000476oMp00099oMp00127 (quality [100, 100])
>     1: St001497oMp00119oMp00127 with offset 1 (quality [100, 100])
>     2: St000147oMp00027oMp00127 (quality [96, 100])
>     3: St000054oMp00064oMp00062 with offset 1 (quality [88, 100])
>     4: St000740oMp00062 with offset 1 (quality [87, 100])
>     ...
> Got:
>      0: St000740oMp00066 with offset 1 (quality [100, 100])
>      1: St000476oMp00099oMp00127 (quality [100, 100])
>      2: St001497oMp00119oMp00127 with offset 1 (quality [100, 100])
>      3: St000147oMp00027oMp00127 (quality [96, 100])
>      4: St000054oMp00066oMp00149 with offset 1 (quality [89, 100])
>      5: St000141oMp00025oMp00127 (quality [87, 100])
>      6: St001291oMp00127 with offset 1 (quality [87, 86])
>      7: St000051oMp00061oMp00069 (quality [87, 86])
>      8: St000316oMp00025oMp00127 (quality [87, 86])
>      9: St000653oMp00129oMp00127 (quality [87, 86])
>     10: St001184oMp00127oMp00064 with offset 1 (quality [87, 86])
>     11: St001227oMp00028oMp00127 (quality [87, 86])
>     12: St001480oMp00032oMp00127 (quality [87, 86])
>     13: St000066oMp00063oMp00149 with offset 1 (quality [54, 86])
>     14: St000840oMp00146oMp00127 (quality [18, 86])
>     15: St000199oMp00063 with offset 1 (quality [15, 71])
>     16: St000193oMp00004oMp00063 with offset 1 (quality [15, 71])
>     17: St000200oMp00063oMp00062 with offset 1 (quality [15, 71])
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/databases/findstat.py", line 129, in sage.databases.findstat
> Failed example:
>     r[4].info()                                                           # 
> optional -- internet
> Expected:
>     after adding 1 to every value
>     and applying
>         Mp00062: Lehmer-code to major-code bijection: Permutations -> 
> Permutations
>     to the objects (see `.compound_map()` for details)
>     your input matches
>         St000740: The last entry of a permutation.
>     among the values you sent, 87 percent are actually in the database,
>     among the distinct values you sent, 100 percent are actually in the 
> database
> Got:
>     after adding 1 to every value
>     and applying
>         Mp00149: Lehmer code rotation: Permutations -> Permutations
>         Mp00066: inverse: Permutations -> Permutations
>     to the objects (see `.compound_map()` for details)
>     your input matches
>         St000054: The first entry of the permutation.
>     among the values you sent, 89 percent are actually in the database,
>     among the distinct values you sent, 100 percent are actually in the 
> database
> **********************************************************************
> 1 item had failures:
>    2 of  16 in sage.databases.findstat
>     11 webbrowser tests not run
>     0 tests not run because we ran out of time
>     [392 tests, 2 failures, 41.94 s]
> -- 
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