> On Aug 8, 2021, at 15:06 , Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As always, you can get the latest beta version from the "develop" git branch. 
> Alternatively, the self-contained source tarball is at 
> http://www.sagemath.org/download-latest.html 

Built w/o problems on three macOS systems.  Testing with ‘ptestlong'

10.13.6 (2017 iMac Pro, 2.3 GHz Intel Xeon W).  Testing got one failure: the 
usual get_memory_usage() test, intermittent.

10.14.6 (2017 MBP, 3.1 GHz 4-core Core i7).  Testing got one failure: 
external.py (log attached as 10.14.txt).  Seems persistent.

10.15.7 (2019 MBP, 2.4 GHz 8-core Core i9).  All tests passed!

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sage -t --long --warn-long 132.0 --random-seed=0 
File "src/sage/symbolic/integration/external.py", line 242, in 
Failed example:
    giac_integrator(cos(y), y)
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 1096, in 
        return self.names[name]
    KeyError: 'sageVAR'

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 1143, in _sage_
        return symbolic_expression_from_string(result, lsymbols,
 line 2537, in symbolic_expression_fro
        return parse_func(s)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 575, in 
        cpdef parse_sequence(self, s):
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 591, in 
        all = self.p_sequence(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 664, in 
sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_sequence (build/cythonized/sage/misc/parser.c:6637)
        obj = self.p_eqn(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 754, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_eqn 
        lhs = self.p_expr(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 794, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_expr 
        operand1 = self.p_term(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 828, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_term 
        operand1 = self.p_factor(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 871, in 
sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_factor (build/cythonized/sage/misc/parser.c:8564)
        return self.p_power(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 899, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_power 
        operand1 = self.p_atom(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 954, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_atom 
        args, kwds = self.p_args(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 991, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_args 
        arg = self.p_arg(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 1041, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_arg 
        return self.p_expr(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 794, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_expr 
        operand1 = self.p_term(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 828, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_term 
        operand1 = self.p_factor(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 871, in 
sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_factor (build/cythonized/sage/misc/parser.c:8564)
        return self.p_power(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 899, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_power 
        operand1 = self.p_atom(tokens)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 961, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.p_atom 
        return self.variable_constructor(name)
      File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 1099, in 
        return self.fallback(name)
 line 2549, in <lambda>
        make_var      = LookupNameMaker({}, fallback=lambda x: _find_var(x, 
 line 2429, in _find_var
        return var(name[7:])
      File "sage/symbolic/ring.pyx", line 1479, in sage.symbolic.ring.var 
        return SR.var(name, **kwds)
      File "sage/symbolic/ring.pyx", line 1019, in 
        raise ValueError('You need to specify the name of the new variable.')
    ValueError: You need to specify the name of the new variable.

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 718, in _run
        self.compile_and_execute(example, compiler, test.globs)
 line 1137, in compile_and_execute
        exec(compiled, globs)
      File "<doctest sage.symbolic.integration.external.giac_integrator[7]>", 
line 1, in <module>
        giac_integrator(cos(y), y)
 line 253, in giac_integra
        return result._sage_()
 line 1147, in _sage_
        raise NotImplementedError("Unable to parse Giac output: %s" % result)
    NotImplementedError: Unable to parse Giac output: sin(sageVAR)
1 item had failures:
   1 of   9 in sage.symbolic.integration.external.giac_integrator
    [22 tests, 1 failure, 2.80 s]

Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
If you don't know where you're going,
you might wind up someplace else.
   - Yogi Berra

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