Le jeudi 16 septembre 2021 à 15:11:33 UTC+2, axio…@yahoo.de a écrit :

I opened https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32525 for the limit/FriCAS 
> failure.  Can you check without too much work which release or even commit 
> caused the failure?
Nope : I had a hunch about possible interference of installed packages, bit 
the bullet and make distclean && make. So far, the resulting Sage, *without 
any complementary package*, passes *all* tests that failed with the 
previous versions. Next tests :

   - run ptestlong on this “naked” sage 
   - reinstall the optional packages 
   - re-run ptestlong. 

But this will have to wait a bit…


[ Snip… ]

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