I'm trying to pass in an expression to my class Table and use i in the
for loop for the x variable. How can I do that?

class Table:
    def __init__(self,range_start,range_end,step,expression):
        self.range = range(range_start,range_end+1,step)
        self.expression = expression
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Table of values of %s for %s' %
    def __str__(self):
        string = 'x    |     y\n\n------------\n\n'
        for x in self.range:
            string += '%5d|%6d\n\n' % (x,self.expression)
        return string
table1 = Table(0,10,1,2*x+3)
print table1

x    |     y
    0|    21
    1|    21
    2|    21
    3|    21
    4|    21
    5|    21
    6|    21
    7|    21
    8|    21
    9|    21
   10|    21

I created a for loop outside of my class:
for i in range(11):
    x = i
    print '%5d|%6d\n\n' % (x,2*x+3)
    0|     3
    1|     5
    2|     7
    3|     9
    4|    11
    5|    13
    6|    15
    7|    17
    8|    19
    9|    21
   10|    23

I don't know why x in self.expression equals 10. I have done several
tests and found that in my class x always equals 10. You can check
that in SAGE notebook 1 history.

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