On 9/1/07, Nikos Apostolakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is  x  positive or negative?
> In [100]: assume(x < 0)
> In [101]: limit(sqrt(x^2 + x +1) + x, x = -oo)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/nea/<ipython console> in <module>()
> [...] (snip exactly the same stuff as before)
> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: Computation failed since Maxima requested 
> additional constraints (use assume):
> Is  x  positive or negative?
> In [102]: sqrt(x^2)
> Out[102]: -x
> In [103]: forget()
> In [104]: sqrt(x^2)
> Out[104]: abs(x)
> So it seems that the (redundant anyway) assumption that x < 0 is in
> place, but it is not passed to the limit calculation.  For
> comparison the same limit with maxima:
> (%i22) limit(sqrt(x^2 + x +1) + x, x, minf);
> Is  x  positive or negative?
> pos;
>                                         1
> (%o22)                                - -
>                                         2
> (%i23) limit(sqrt(x^2 + x +1) + x, x, minf);
> Is  x  positive or negative?

When you type "assume"... in SAGE, it passes that on to Maxima (by
simply typing assume into maxima).
For some reason -- a bug in Maxima, I think -- Maxima is completely
ignoring assumptions in its limit command in the above example.
It will only work by answering the question interactively.
SAGE doesn't do that -- it only passes assumptions on to
Maxima via assume.

The interactive nature of Maxima for computing limits, etc., is
a design flaw from the point of view of using Maxima from any
external program (this comes up regularly on the Maxima mailing list).
I encourage you to post a bug report to the maxima people,
since I think it is a bug that limit is ignoring
   assume(x > 0)

 - William

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