On Nov 24, 5:11 pm, Alexander Dreyer
> Hello William and Michael,
> > > > This looks like a 64 bit SuSE 10.1 box - am I correct?
> Yes.
> > > Also, do you have GMP installed system-wide?  It could be
> > > some broken weird GMP that confuses the mpfi build
> > > script.
> Yes, GMP ist installed systemwide.
> > Yep, I suspect something similar, but I have a couple more questions:
> > > It could also be some very weird error in sage the build system
> > > itself, where maybe it somehow tries to build mpfi but gmp didn't
> > > get installed correctly -- could you post your install.log online 
> > > somewhere
> > > and email us a link to it?
> > 1) Is this a virgin build or an upgrade?
> This is a complete virgin build.> 2) If an upgrade: What version did you 
> upgrade from? Was that a binary
> > or also build from source?
> > 3) Have previous versions build successfully on that particular box?
> > If so which ones?

Hello Alexander,

> I realized that 2.8.12 also do not compile. (Your servers were renewed
> recently, so this was a first attempt to build sage on it.)
> Meanwhile, I got sage compiled by changing the configure line in spkg-
> install of mpfi-1.3.4-rc3.p9 to
> ./configure --prefix="$SAGE_LOCAL" --with-mpfr-dir="$SAGE_LOCAL"

Ok, if that does the trick I will merge the fix into 2.8.14 provided
it compiles locally on the test boxen (which it should). I looked at
the configure log in detail and it seems very weired that it fails
that late because it does find a gmp and gmp headers.

Oh well, Sage never builds out of the box for everybody. It is like
playing a whack a mole :)


> > gzipping the install.log and putting it up somewhere for us to
> > download would probably help a great bit.
> See here:http://polybori.sourceforge.net/tmp/installlog_sage.tar.bz2
> Best regards,
>    Alexander Dreyer
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