On Nov 28, 2007 8:53 AM, jonhanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for replying.  I'm not sure I understand what you mean by
> merges as opposed to overwrites since I thought that Mercurial always
> merges the changesets it downloads from the main server when
> performing "upgrade()", and applies them to the current branch.

upgrade actually *only* ever touches your sage-main branch.  It will
never ever ever touch any other branch.  You must explicitly cd to
another branch, e.g.,
   cd SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-hanke
then explicitly pull the changes from the main branch:
   hg pull SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main
   hg merge
   hg update

You *can't* expect to be able to use the sage-hanke branch until
you do the above, since all the rest of sage (i.e., C libraries, etc.)
may have changed, and if you don't upgrade your sage-hanke
branch, there's no reason it should work any more.   Also, to be
safe, you may want to do "sage -ba" after upgrading the hanke

> I
> have several different projects I'm working on, not all of which are
> immediately merged back into the main Sage Development tree, so for
> that I thought cloning was the best thing.  I'd also like to avoid
> building all of SAGE since it takes a long time compared to cloning
> (but even cloning takes about 45 minutes on my MacBook!).

Weird, since cloning takes about 1 minute on my MacBook.

Anyway, if you have the disk space, you could build one copy
of sage, then make a copy of it, rather than having to build an
entire second copy.  You could also start 3 builds before you
go to sleep, and as long as your macbook doesn't melt
you'll have 3 sage's in the morning.

That said, using cloning is in fact a reasonably good way to work
on several projects at once, especially if you're low on disk space.

 -- William

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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