On Nov 30, 10:51 am, joel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I downloaded the modified tarball. It untar'd without complaint.
> However on running notebook() for the first time it bombed out, unable
> to find /usr/local/lib/libintl.3.dylib.
> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libintl.3.dylib
>   Referenced from: /Users/sage/sage-2.8.13-i386-Darwin/local/bin/
> certtool
>   Reason: image not found

Interesting. Some package is pulling that in from /usr/local. William:
do you have the build logs for that binary build?

> There is no /usr/local/lib directory, at least on macosx10.4 intel.
> There is a /usr/local/lib directory on the PPC 10.4, but it is empty
> and may well be a remnant of previous application installs, and
> nothing to do with standard 10.4 or sage.

I am not sure which box the tarball is build on, but since more or
less all Macs in Williams possession have been upgrade to 10.5 as far
as I can tell it seems that the 10.4 on Macintel release is a problem
case. Let's hope this gets sorted out quickly.

> It's probably best to run through the build process properly rather
> than hacking the tarball. I'll wait for 2.8.15 - the PPC version is
> running just fine, though rather slower on a 1.2GHz G4 than I expect
> it will on my Xeon Macpro.

Assuming you have a recent Xcode installed Sage builds in less than
two hours on a decenet MacIntel box from source. You won't have any
headaches of the binary tarball and you can do am in-place upgrade
which means a lot less data to transfer.

> Thanks for your time,
> Joel
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