Hello Bill,

sage: E = EllipticCurve('5077a'); E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - 7*x + 6 over Rational Field
sage: E?
Type:           EllipticCurve_rational_field
Base Class:     <class
String Form:    Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - 7*x + 6 over
Rational Field
Namespace:      Interactive

        Elliptic curve over the Rational Field.

If you look at the base class, you can see what class your object
belongs to.  The Python code for that class is  in
.  Another way to have found this is

sage: E.point_search?
Type:           instancemethod
Base Class:     <type 'instancemethod'>
String Form:    <bound method
EllipticCurve_rational_field.point_search of Elliptic Curve defined by
y^2 + y = x^3 - 7*x + 6 over Rational Field>
Namespace:      Interactive
Definition:     E.point_search(self, height_limit, verbose=True)

Finally, there is the search_src function that can be used to search
from within Sage.

sage: search_src('def point_search')
schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_rational_field.py:    def
point_search(self, height_limit, verbose=True):

If you want to play around with changing that code, I would make a new
branch by using "sage -clone ell".  Then, you can make changes to the
files in $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-ell/ .  To test them out, you can do
"sage -br ell" which will build them and run the 'ell' branch.  This
makes things easier when it comes time to upgrade since no changes
will have been made to the sage-main repository.  It also allows you
to isolate changes for submitting patches.  I will probably make a
blog post here shortly on my workflow for doing Sage development.


On Dec 23, 2007 12:18 PM, bill purvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm new to Sage and haven't found my way around yet.
> I've downloaded 2.9 source and compiled it.
> For those who collect statistics it reported taking 4H 17M on my
> Toshiba Equium (Intel Celeron, 2.9GHz).
> I'm interested in adapting John Cremona's code for finding rational
> points on elliptic curves to handle integer points and have located
> the source code for this in cremona????.spkg. However, this is all
> C++ code and I need to locate the Python code that invokes this
> so as to extend or supplement the calling sequence. Can anyone tell
> me where to look for this? Where is the EllipticCurve stuff defined?
> The particular function is <EllipticCurve>.point_search.
> Many thanks,
> Bill
> --
> +---------------------------------------+
> | Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
> |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
> |  http://bil.members.beeb.net          |
> +---------------------------------------+
> >

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