On Jan 15, 2008 8:46 AM, Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> in a nutshell I want to compute something like this MAGMA session in Sage:
> %magma
> P<a,b,c,d> := PolynomialRing(GF(127),4);
> I := ideal<P|c^3-b*d^2,b*c-a*d,b^3-a^2*c,a*c^2-b^2*d>;
> S<t> := HilbertSeries(I);
> S;
> L<u> := LaurentSeriesRing(IntegerRing());
> L ! S;
> The first part is quite easy as I wrapped the appropriate Singular function
> (singular.hilb(I,1)/(1-t^n)). It is the second part that gives me trouble,
> i.e. I need the first n Laurent series terms for the rational function which
> describes the Hilbert series.

It might be a lot easier to help if you gave the rational function.  Depending
on how complicated the denominator is, you basically just have to compute the
Taylor series of the rational function, by differentiation and evaluation (using
Taylor's formula), i.e., kind of like this is doing, but over GF(p):

sage: f = (x^3 + x +1)/((x^4 + x^2 + 2)*x^3*(x^3-5))
sage: f.taylor(x, 0, 4)
-1/(10*x^3) - 1/(10*x^2) + 1/(20*x) - 7/100 + x/200 + 17*x^2/200 -
103*x^3/2000 - 23*x^4/2000

 -- William

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