I've worked around my previous problem by splitting the curve and
reflecting about
the line X=Y. However, I am now adding straight lines through various
points, using
parametric_plot with a predefined function to compute the y coordinate
from the
two given points and a given value for X. When I run the cell
containing the
parameter_plot calls, it works OK the first time, but when re-
evaluated it produces
an error:

TypeError: Graphics object is not callable

The Notebook is getting rather long now, so I've saved it to a file:


I'd be grateful if someone can download and try this (I did try to
login to
www.sagenb.org and sage.maths.washington.edu to upload it there but
neither were
responding in semi-finite times.).
I reloaded it and did 'Evaluate all' which worked OK, but then click
on the cell with
the parametric_plot calls and re-evaluate them to produce the error.

Many thanks

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