Thank you for the fast answer Mike,

> What functionality did you envision having in a symmetric matrix class?

In general (not specific to the hermitian (symmetric) property)
elementary matrix operations:
- changing rows(colums)
- multiplication of specific rows(colums) with a scalar
- adding one row(colum) to another
.....i.e. simmilar transformations
and one command for doing both in each case, i.e
- changing row i with row j and additionally changing colum i with
colum j
- multiplying of row i with a scalar \lambda and additionally
multiplying colum i with \bar{\lambda} (conjugated)
- adding row i to row j and additionally adding colum i to j
....i.e. kongruent transformations (I'm not sure now if this is the
right notation)
, this may be useful for educational purposes (proofs in basic linear

specific to the hermitian (symmetric) case:
- diagonalization
- trace (which must be real then),
- check for definitness, i.e. something like is_positiv,
is_semipositiv, is_indefinite, is_definite (positive or
negativ), ......
(- associated quadratic (hermitian) form as a function in 2
vectorvalued variables), this is easy to workaround, just x^T A y

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