I tried following the README in the devel/doc/ref section and am
having latex compilation problems.
First, in mwrank somewhere there is a \Sha which latex has trouble with.
Second, in sage.rings.polynomial.pbori there is a \Sage, \var{other}
and var[ring] which
I think latex doesn't like. (Could be wrong though.)
Third, I think in code_constructions there is a line
      ValueError including a traceback error message: "x must divide x^4 - 1"
which latex complains about a missing $ sign. (I'm not sure though.)

The problem is that when I try to correct them and rerun build_pdf, the new
corrections are not taken into account. They I went into
devel/doc/ref/sage and deleted
the corresponding *.tex files and still, the compilation failed at the
same places.

Any ideas? Debugging latex errors in the documentation doesn't seem
that hard but
*testing* that the fixes work in the reference manula using build_pdf is where
I'm stuck.

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 8:58 AM, mabshoff
>  On Apr 5, 2:51 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi David,
>  > Hi:
>  > I wonder if there is a procedure to requesting that a module be added to
>  > the SAage reference manual?
>  We don't have any special way to do this.
>  > For example, under coding theory, it
>  > now has linear 
> code.pyhttp://www.sagemath.org/hg/sage-main/file/cc1e12a492fc/sage/coding/li...
>  > and 
> code_bounds.pyhttp://www.sagemath.org/hg/sage-main/file/cc1e12a492fc/sage/coding/co...
>  > Recently I've tried to make 
> code_constructions.pyhttp://www.sagemath.org/hg/sage-main/file/cc1e12a492fc/sage/coding/co...
>  > and 
> sd_codes.pyhttp://www.sagemath.org/hg/sage-main/file/cc1e12a492fc/sage/coding/sd...
> > readable. Is there any chance they could be added?
>  Sure, submit a patch to add them. I guess somebody ought to read the
>  the manual sections before approving the patch, but that is certainly
>  up for discussion.
>  > - David Joyner
>  Cheers,
>  Michael
>  >

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