I'm running Sage on a RedHat EL box with SELinux turned on (and
 enforcing).  After a bit of fighting with SELinux, here's what I did
 to get it working:

 1.  As root, I created /usr/local/sage and assigned ownership of that
 directory to my user account.

 The SELinux context of that directory is/are:


 2.  As me (my user level account, with UMASK set to permit group and
 other read/execute), I unpack sage into, e.g.,
 /usr/local/sage/sage-3.0 which gets SELinux context:


 3.  I build sage in /usr/local/sage/sage-3.0

 4.  I then set a symbolc link /usr/local/sage/current ->
 /usr/local/sage/sage-3.0 which has the same SELinux context as the
 referrent directory.

 Originally I tried building/installing Sage as root and I ran into all
 sorts of SELinux problems.  Installing directly into system
 directories (even when using a chmod to change ownership to a user)
 also caused headaches.

 This particular system had lots of user (mainly my students) using
 Sage, and with this setup no one has complained to me about not being
 able to run Sage.


 On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 3:10 PM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 >  Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 8:15 AM
 >  Subject: Re: Must SELinux be disabled to run sage?
 >  To: William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >  Cc: Richard Vaughn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >  Hi William:
 >   Thanks for the response.
 >   Always nice to learn it wasn't something *I* was doing.....   :)
 >   Is the issue here, as mentioned in the README, that SELinux affects
 >   default
 >   system behaviors such as shared Library loading, and that's why sage
 >   has a problem?
 >   (And, if that's the case, then wouldn't a lot of other applications
 >   also fail?)
 >   Thanks,
 >   -Richard Vaughn
 >   On Apr 23, 3:36 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  > On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >   >
 >   > >  I recently installed sage on a Fedora Core 6 machine,
 >   > >  and it appears that sage only runs when SELinux (secure linux) is
 >   > >  disabled.
 >   >
 >   > >  When I run it w/ SELINUX=enforcing in /etc/sysconfig/selinux,
 >   > >  I get "cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied"
 >   > >  when I start sage.
 >   >
 >   > >  Is this the case, that SELinux must be disabled to run sage?
 >   >
 >   > Yes.  This is mentioned in the Sage README.txt.
 >   >
 >   > >  Or is there perhaps a workaround?
 >   >
 >   > I don't know of one.   I hope somebody eventually finds one and
 >   > submits it to the sage project.
 >   >
 >   >
 >   >
 >   > >  Thanks,
 >   > >  -Richard Vaughn
 >   >
 >   > --

Jason Worth Martin
Asst. Professor of Mathematics

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